Sep 27, 2008

Stringed to the 6strings

"Maga..Swarathma is playing in the amphi tonite" called out Dumma, on a busy and noisy morning; the final day of our annual fest Naissasnce...."common lets check out their practice. They are gearing up for the event"

From a long time, I had a desire to learn playing a guitar but somehow it was subdued inside me for reasons even I dont know!!! That was the first time i saw a live performance and was enthralling. Its a show that will be in my memory for a long long time. Accidentally i caught up on Varun, the guy on the guitar and today im so happy to say that he's my friend. He's a prodigy a guys..the sound from the chords of his guitar are spellbinding!!!!

Why am i telling all this??? because thats what fuelled my desire to learn to play a guitar! :) ....Today I am so happy that i have started learning to play a guitar..Its been two days and im sooo delighted that atlast my dream of playin the 6strings is materialising..Once again thanx to dumma and PP....and Varun whose tallent i admire.... CHEERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

posts aadmele nilasbitya?